Discovery Land Birth to 3 yrs


WELCOME  to Early Childhood!

Click on Baby Tracker to see the current workers schedule for Sunday Mornings.

Whether they are rocking, crawling, walking or running, we begin early helping parents teach their little ones about God, the world He created and how much God loves them.  In a safe environment we can begin to teach children about our great God who loves and cares for them.

9:00 a.m.   Small Child Care

Easily located on main floor, across from the church offices, we are excited to have your child, up to age 3 years be cared for by our staff during the Moring Worship Hour.

10:15 a.m. Discovery Land Classes

  • Rockers & Crawlers  on  Main Floor  (birth to about 2 yrs)

  • Walkers & Runners  Lower Level - Room #1  (about 2 yr. to 3 yr. olds) 


We strive to keep our room clean and tidy.

Your child's health and safety is very important to us!

If your child has displayed any of these symptoms in the last 48 hours, please keep your child with you for the day:

coughing * diarrhea * rash * communicable disease
fever * vomiting * eye discharge * runny nose


Riverview Alliance Church Early Childhood

Duty Policies and Procedures


Nursery Workers:

Thanks again for working in the nursery. Your service is very much appreciated.

It is the C&MA policy that all who work in the nursery must complete a background check form. Pat Maass will be able to supply you with this required form. If you are unsure as to whether you have filled out this required form in the past, check with Pat or Cheryl.

Please read – IMPORTANT – Your assistance in following the guidelines below will insure the nursery runs smoothly and makes everyone’s job easier. Remember we are not doing this for ourselves, but for Christ.


  • Notify Discovery Land Leaders Pat/Donna and the church secretary of any trades/changes you need to make to the schedule – if you are unable to work your scheduled time either trade with someone on the schedule or contact Pat to find someone to replace you.

  • Arrive 15 minutes before the service for your nursery duty.

  • Shut bottom half of door – and receive the child over the door if at all possible.

  • There is an informational card on each child on one of the boards – either the one next to the door or the board above the bookcase.

  • Wrist bands with matching numbers are put on one parent/caregiver and one is placed on the child.

  • Keep a log of children and workers present in the nursery in small notebook in the basket on the counter.

  • If the child is new:

    • have parents fill out an information card

    • it is important to check for any allergies

    • place one numbered wristband on the child, and one on the  parent/caregiver

    •  identify all belongings left with you

  • Place toys, cups and other items children put in their mouth place in basket by the sink.

  • Have children help pick up at the end of the hour.

  • Tables are to be sanitized before and after each snack.

  • Large items are sanitized after each service.

If you have any questions call:

Kirsten Pfingsten at 920-373-7574 - Early Childhood Director Rockers & Crawlers

Sarah Barrett at 920-373-0402  - Early Childhood Director Walkers & Runners


Thanks for your help in the Early Childhood Department!