Nursery Duty Policies and Procedures

Riverview Alliance Church Nursery Duty Policies and Procedures

Nursery Workers:
Thanks again for working in the nursery. Your service is very much appreciated. The nursery schedule is password protected so please do not give out the password to others in the church or outside the church. Thanks for your cooperation in this matter.
It is the C&MA policy that all who work in the nursery must complete a background check form.  Pat Maass will be able to supply you with this required form. If you are unsure as to whether you have filled out this required form in the past, check with Pat or Cheryl. 
Please read – IMPORTANT – Your assistance in following the guidelines below will insure the nursery runs smoothly and makes everyone’s job easier. Remember we are not doing this for ourselves, but for Christ.
  1. A reminder email will be sent out during the week before you are scheduled.
  2. Notify Pat and Cheryl of any trades/changes you need to make to the schedule – if you are unable to work your scheduled time either trade with someone on the schedule or contact Pat to find someone to replace you.
  3. Arrive 15 minutes before the service for your nursery duty.
  4. Shut bottom half of door – and receive the child over the door if at all possible.
  5. There is an informational card on each child on one of the boards – either the one next to the door or the board above the bookcase.
    1. Three tags should be attached to each card – one for the parent, one clipped to the child and one clipped to the child’s bag (bags go in the cubbies).
    2. Keep a log of children and workers present in the nursery in small notebook in the basket on the counter.
    3. If the child is new - have parents fill out an information card and use sticker tags for the child, parent and bag. – leave the card in the basket.
  6. Toys, cups and etc children put in their mouth place in basket by the sink.
  7. Have children help pick up at the end of the hour.
  Notify Pat at or Cheryl at
Any questions call Pat Maass at 920-846-2988. Or call Cheryl at 920-846-8303.
Thanks for your help in the nursery.
Pat Maass