Rachel Johnson - Leader
Our mission is to develop and equip students to be exemplary life-long disciples who love God, love one another, and love their neighbor.
RAY Student Ministries . . .
is open for anyone between the 7th - 12th grades. Come on by!
RAY Wednesday Night . . .
We look forward to seeing you on
Wednesday's at 6:30 p.m.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and started writing the most incredible story. It's not a story meant to be put away on a shelf somewhere, but it's one we're meant to explore and experience because we're deeply connected to it. God created a role for each of us to play. In this 4-week series from the old and New Testaments, we'll take a look at the story of God as we learn more about our lives and our roles within it. We'll see that God is writing a good story, how sin isn't the end of the story, they way Jesus can rewrite our stories, and that we can be part of God's story.
General Info QR code Devo QR code
RAY Sunday Morning . . .
. . . our class meets concurrently with the second Morning Worship Hour from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the
Lower Level Youth Lounge and we take a look at not only the Bible,
but also relevant and important issues regarding truth.
Be sure to check us out!